Reservation in India is result of Colonial conspiracy of Britishers

Ashok Kumar Dwivedy is a retired financial expert and a former JNU scholar. He always keep his personal views on contemporary subjects. The following write up has been extracted from a facebook post . Views are his personal

1. Politicizing sub-national identities of Indians like Caste and Religion is a long term power game plan of Britishers to keep India internally divided after they failed to further divide India to weaken it as a powerful state to challenge their hegemony as superpower status in future.
2. Since upper caste Hindu intellectuals took leadership in anti-colonial movement in India, Britisher politicized caste to negate their influence.The caste system which was hitherto a simple division of labour to accommodate total population in the society as per their ability was used by Britishers to create antagonisms among themselves whipping the inferiority complex of few occupational castes.
3.Britishers handed over power to Congress which they had created long back to work as their stooge even if they loose direct power in India.
4. As per their plan Congress further politicized caste and religion for vote bank politics. Reservation System is their main weapon to befool poor and illiterate people which constitute the major chunk of the entire population.
5. Congress has politicized privileged Reservation System to such an extent that any party which curtail Reservation would loose vote. Therefore, political parties competing among themselves to provide more Reservation to retain and increase their vote bank. The BJP Government in Odisha cannot be an exception.
6. It is yet to be seen whether Supreme Court justifiable observation on Reservation regarding exclusion of creamy layer would be implemented or not.
7. The impact of ever increasing Reservation Privilege System which negates the natural justice system of Equal Opportunity not Equality is far reaching.
8. The Reservation System has impacted moral of youngsters. Since merit is not rewarded honestly, youths of India are increasingly attracted to unfair practice in competitive examination.
9. Unable to fulfill their career aspiration in India, Indian students are preferring foreign countries for education and employment as these countries give due weightage to merit in education and employment opportunity.
10. The resultant Brain Drain due to rampant Reservation System in Education and Employment in India would eventually impede economic development in India. Because, intelligent and competent Human Resource build civilization and society devising ways to fulfill various human needs.
12. Now every 5th Doctor in USA is Indian. People of India are deprived of their service for not providing them rightful opportunity in India. In other sectors also Brain Drain continues.
13.Indian brains engaged in research and Development in foreign industries are enriching their product and services which India is using in exchange of huge cost for technology transfer and adoption.
14. Without a Culture of Excellence no economy of a country can make a rapid stride. India cannot be an exception. Unless common people realise the harmful effect of Reservation System, India’s aspiration to be a Superpower with a developed economy and infrastructure as it’s foundation would be an unrealisable myth to the delight of the existing Superpowers who always fear India to be a challenger to their hegemony.

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